The Museum that invented the brand-building and Perpetua the pencil: when design is the tangible expression of intangible values.

Twenty years ago the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao opened, becoming an icon in a short amount of time and changing the economy of the Basque region. Its impact was huge; besides giving Frank Gehry visibility and recognition, it changed radically the way people approached museums.
By using innovative techniques, Ghery projected and realized a building able to capture the complex identity of Bilbao and of the Basque Country. Today, after twenty years, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, in an effort to represent and define that identity at its best, marries the values of Perpetua la Matita, the pencil that wasn’t there before.
A special Tailor Made edition was created, where Perpetua blends in with the complex geometric patterns that belong to the Museum and becomes a messenger of the values they share.