The World of Perpetua
Perpetua is an advanced way of rethinking material and objects. Through research, innovative production processes and new technologies, the inevitable waste of industrial production gain new life becoming design objects Made in Italy unique in the world. We believe that the future of the economy can only be circular, the World of Perpetua is our concrete commitment to help creating it.

Additional Value
The new Retail service was created to offer stores the entire range of Perpetua objects, establishing a direct relationship with the company that produces them.
A way to involve the customer and make them an active part in the process of change, to give them the opportunity to choose consciously thanks to the traceable Made in Italy supply chain, the certified impact on the territory and people. Perpetua collaborates with social cooperatives including La Fraglia with which is bound with a ten-year relationship.
Integrated retail communication
The service reserved at retailers is completed with all the tools necessary to communicate and
sell Perpetua Items. From catalogues, dedicated packaging, dispalys - including Scrigno,
a concentrate of technology to tell the story of the Objects - to training for sales staff.